Thursday, March 22, 2012

More "on the street" reviews for MUCH ADO!

The reviews keep pouring in! At our final performance, Mercedes had the opportunity to speak to Jillian, a student who lives in Queens. Here's what she had to say!

Mercedes: Hey, so who was your favorite character in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING?

Jillian: My favorite character was Dogberry because he was very funny. I especially like the part when he calls himself an “ass” - it was hilarious!

Mercedes: What was your favorite part?

Jillian: My favorite part was the wedding scene because Claudio didn’t expect Hero to be there, he expected some other “chick” and to see his facial expression was very funny.

Mercedes: I agree! So do you have any experience with Shakespeare? Or is this your first time?

Jillian: No, this isn’t my first time, we were here last year and we saw AS YOU LIKE IT.

Mercedes: Do you like Shakespeare?

Jillian: Yeah, I actually do. I wish my teacher would go deeper into it and explain it more!

Mercedes: So what exactly do you do with Shakespeare?

Jillian: Actually we only have experience because of the people from Classic Stage Company; they come in and do the activities with us.

Mercedes: The come to my school as well and they are amazing! Well, thank you for your time, Jillian!

If you have a favorite part or character from MUCH ADO, post it on our facebook page. We'd love to hear from you!

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