Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meet our next YC Student Correspondant, Mercedes!

Grade: 11th

Hobbies: Acting, dancing, shopping, going out to eat and to the movies, taking pictures, surfing the web, vacationing, planning my birthday ideas in advance, watching Dance Moms and Gossip Girl.

What aspects of theatre are you most interested in? I am most interested in acting because this is what I've had training in the most. I've never experienced the directing, design and aspect of theatre but I definitely think it is something I would consider doing. I would even enjoy play writing.

What parts of the MUCH ADO rehearsal process are you most interested in telling fellow students about? I enjoy watching the actors perform for the first time. When I'm in rehearsal I always look forward to the ensemble's energy, creative risk taking, surprises/new discoveries, things that work and don't work, and how the director works with the cast. I think readers would like to hear about the same thing as well because not only does the cast put on an amazing performance at the end, but it took a lot of hard work and dedication in their rehearsal process to obviously get to where they are, and it will be evident in how hard they worked if the play is successful or not.


Last week, Mercedes had the opportunity to observe a rehearsal. Read her thoughts on the process as well as her views on Shakespeare below!

Last week’s rehearsal process was fun and exciting to watch. Before the actual rehearsal started, I was able to meet a few of the cast members. Each of them had their own personalities. Some were entertaining, mellow, playful, loud and quiet. I loved how everyone did their own warm up exercises and pretty much did what they felt their body needed. When the rehearsal began, I was looking forward to watching how the cast worked together as an ensemble. From the looks of it, everyone seemed to have a close relationship with one another, which I think makes their job much easier when working together on a play. It also made the play interesting to watch because everyone fed off of each others energy. As I was familiar with some of the scenes in the play, I loved that my interpretation of one of the scenes was completely different. I love seeing contrasts! I also loved that the actors took creative risks as it made the play even more fun to watch!

P.S The opening song was amazing! Beatrice has a beautiful voice (I think she should open the show like that).

My Thoughts on Shakespeare

I was not a big fan of Shakespeare when I was first introduced to his works. I was completely bored and did not feel any emotion when performing his work. My first Shakespeare piece was Midsummer Night’s Dream in the sixth grade, and I think because I was young and not interested in another language, I didn’t bother with it. When I went to high school, I started to learn more about Shakespeare and it was mandatory that all drama majors take part in a Shakespeare competition. I was not excited about this, but I had to do it, so the most I did was memorize my lines. This was freshman year. As I was learning about Shakespeare in my drama class, special guest artists came in and did workshops with us which started to make it more interesting. I am now in my junior year and we still have guest artist come in from Classic Stage Company! During their workshops with my drama class, everything we did in regards to Shakespeare was fun and exciting, especially when we were able to put it into our own words. When I was able to translate his words into modern day language, it made my understanding so much easier. Everyone can relate to Shakespeare in some way and I think that is the most important thing.

Now that I am going to be working on another classical piece, Tartuffe by Moliere, I am really excited not only because of my character (Dorine), but because I just adore and love Moliere's work!

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