Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The End... and the Beginning!

The 2013/2014 NextGen season came to a close with a final meeting at a very special location: the back deck of CSC's office space on 14th Street! It was a beautiful day to be outside making theater together. We were joined again by director Sina Heiss and playwright Gabrielle Sinclair to continue working on content for their upcoming piece, Telling the Bees

Kathia and Danny work on a scene together.

Getting notes from Sina before presenting scenes!

Creating funky handshakes. 

After the workshop, members enjoyed a pizza party and discussed highlights from the past season, recalling the variety of experiences they had over the course of the year. 
"I liked being able to go to each meeting and do something new," said Danny. Victor agreed. "I liked the versatility of the activities, and the interactive nature of the program." 

Others remembered the different theatre professionals they had the chance to meet. "My experience in CSC NextGen has been most beneficial in teaching me about the different aspects of theatre in contrast to only being a performer," said Loylia. Melissa agreed. "The most beneficial part of this experience was definitely being introduced to so many job opportunities in the theatre world."

But it wasn't just the professionals they learned from - members also cited each other as a big part of the success of this past year. "One of the best things about NextGen was having fun with new friends," said Carla. Shivani agreed. "I liked meeting other kids who like theatre." Dennis summed up the conversation nicely when he said, "The people we met inspired me to continue to involve myself in theatre."

Ladies and gentlemen, your 2014 NextGen grads!
We are sad to see so many of this year's group graduate, but we are excited and happy to welcome our newest members, who were recently accepted for the 2014/2015 season here at CSC! Our first meeting will be in September. Keep an eye on our blog to see what we have in store for you next year! 

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