Friday, November 15, 2013

NextGen learns STAGE COMBAT with Casey Robinson

At our last meeting, the NextGen members were exposed to their first taste of stage combat with seasoned CSC fight choreographer Casey Robinson, who did the fight choreography for CSC's Romeo & Juliet, as well as the last Young Company show, Macbeth

Robinson began by telling members how every fight choreographer has their own method for teaching, and his involves the 4 S System, which includes…


As well as the most important 5th S, Safety. After the NextGen members understood those basic principles, it was easy for them to quickly grasp a variety of different stage combat moves, first was a basic punch.
After learning a punch, the members went on to learn a slap. This move required them to use sound, and learn about using different kinds of “knaps.”

They also learned a kick that was featured in Romeo & Juliet.

Ten NextGen members cited their favorite move as being the hair pull, and the more advanced, hair pull and drag.

In addition to these moves they learned a block and a choke, and by the end of the workshop were able to choreograph their own short fight scenes featuring the moves they had learned.

The NextGen members had a great time learning about stage combat and fight choreography, even if it was more of a cardio workout then they had bargained for, they walked away excited by everything they had learned, and only a little exhausted.

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