Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Meet Tyiesha!

Name: Tyiesha

Grade: 12 

Hobbies/Interests: I like singing, reading, acting, martial arts, and Girl Scouts.

What aspects of theatre are you most interested in? I am interested in casting, acting, directing, and set design. 

What parts of the MACBETH rehearsal process are you most interested in telling other students about? The directing and set design process.
Tyiesha had the opportunity to sit in on one of the final production meetings for MACBETH and observe the lighting designer. Here are some of her thoughts on the experience...

I never knew how interesting the lighting aspect of a show could be. Working on the lighting board was a new and fun experience. Until now I was unaware of how important lighting actually is. It can set the time of day, or night, of the play and can signify the atmosphere changing with each scene. There are so many different buttons and switches on the board that at first its rather confusing but it was easy to get a hang of it. With one board its possible to create hundreds of different scenarios all on one stage.

Asia, Tyiesha, John and Christopher (Lighting Designer and Props Master)

Working in the lighting booth!

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