Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Creeping like snail, unwillingly to school..."

It's back-to-school time, and we here at CSC are gearing up for this season's YC production of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING!

"But the show's not until March," you might be thinking. "What are they possibly working on this early?"

Just last week we had our first meeting with the current third-year MFA Acting students at Columbia University to fill them in on the audition process for MUCH ADO, and to answer their questions about becoming teaching artists with the YC.

We also put together a brand-new brochure that was mailed to schools just this week… teachers, keep your eyes peeled!

Now it’s on to creating this year’s study guide and workshop curriculum. The feedback from past participants has been super helpful – thanks to everyone who contributed their thoughts and ideas.

Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ve got work to do…

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