Monday, March 14, 2011

Staying in the forest: An Interview with David Fierro (Duke Senior/ Duke Frederick) !

CSC: What do you think of the play "As You Like It" as a whole? Is there an aspect that really speaks to you or any experiences you've had
DAVID: The thing I love about this play is the idea of two worlds, the really straight forward world where you must follow rules and do whatever society asks of you or forces you to do, and then this other place where you can, even in adversity, be you, be free. You can live or love however you want! It's so interesting to watch how these characters who are so pained or proper or even just evil in the court of Frederick, change once they get into The Forest of Arden. They are free to be themselves! I think it's interesting to be doing this show exiting Grad School. I came from the world of "Duke Frederick" working a job to pay rent and keep my place in the world, and then I came to Columbia, where I could be a free artist spending my days contemplating German Expressionism and Shakespeare to my heart's content! I hope I can stay in the Forest of Arden after I graduate, but at least I can say I've been there!
CSC: Besides acting, what are your other passions?
DAVID: My other passion is travel. I love to the idea of waking up in another country where no one speaks your language, and you don't speak theirs, and everyday you have to learn how to better communicate with people to survive.When I travel I like to see theater or rituals to see how their storytelling is different and similar to mine. It's interesting how sometimes, despite the language barrier how so much can register of an artist's performance from movement, clarity,  and intonation. With Shakespeare people feel sometimes like we are speaking a different language, and just like the international artists I've admired, when i work on Shakespeare I try and make every moment clear and alive. I hope I sometimes succeed!

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